Fashion Geek: Monty Python Killer Rabbit Slippers

The last time you saw the Killer Rabbit, it was blown to bits by the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. But that was just the beginning of the poor Rabbit's saga. You see, Tim the Enchanter, bored after the party broke up, resurrected the feared bunny and sent it back to live in the hills. That's where it met another killer bunny, and they bred like…well, rabbits. Tim returned years later as owner and guide of "The Holy Grail Filming Location Tour" and realized how wrong his decision had been. Instead of one Killer Rabbit, there were now thousands of them.

After the tour group fled and filed a major class action lawsuit against Tim, he had to do something to recoup his losses. He conjured a giant mallet and began pounding the Killer Rabbits into slippers, which he sold. The slippers were an instant hit, and Tim now happily resides in a beach house in Malibu. Alas, after a few months the Killer Rabbit was declared an endangered species - so he had plush versions made, which we now offer to you. Each pair is one size fits most, and features flapping mouth action (when you walk, the mouth flaps). Just think, for each pair you buy, two real Killer Rabbits are spared malleting (and Tim gets to drink one more Mai Tai).

(vía: ThinkGeek)
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