
Is Technology Killing Creativity? (Star Wars + Heidegger) [8-Bit Philosophy]

From Newton’s apple to the Large Hadron Collider, Technology promises progresses—but is the world getting better because of it? Or Worse...

Gabe Pérez 18 Dec, 2017

Comic: Movie Spoilers (Home Edition)

Spoiling movies where principal character is: Home. (vía: Wrong Hands )

Gabe Pérez 08 Feb, 2017

The Ultimate Party Scenes In College Movies Supercut

In honor of yet another epic college school year being back in session, World Wide Interweb proudly presents this supercut of the best pa...

Gabe Pérez 18 Sep, 2016

Cool Stuff: Star Trek TNG Bluetooth ComBadge (ThinkGeek Exclusive)

We've had a screen-accurate prop replica ST:TNG badge in our closet for a while. The only thing it was missing was the ability to em...

Gabe Pérez 11 Sep, 2016

Stephen King Spoilers

Everything is normal... I mean EVIL! The girl, the place, the dog, the car, the fan, the clown... (vía: Wrong Hands )

Gabe Pérez 24 Aug, 2016

Jason Bourne Trailer: "Maatt Daamon" Edition

In honor of the release of "Jason Bourne" in theaters, World Wide Interweb proudly presents the "Maatt Daamon" editi...

Gabe Pérez 12 Aug, 2016

The Original Ghostbusters React To The 'Ghostbusters' Reboot

The original Ghostbusters cast finally weighs in on the Ghostbusters reboot and it ain't pretty.

Gabe Pérez 29 Jul, 2016

Star Wars Lightsaber Battles Without Honor-Kill Bill

This video is from the Kill BIll Soundtrack, the song is called Battle Without Honor. There are scenes from all 7 movies.

Gabe Pérez 30 May, 2016

Turns Out 'Danger Zone' Goes Perfectly With 'Star Wars'

Would Kenny Loggins have been a Jedi? He probably would have been a Jedi. Enjoy...

Gabe Pérez 27 May, 2016

Batman V Spider-Man Trailer!

Batman v Spider-Man is the versus superhero movie the public actually wants to see and quite frankly makes a whole hell of a lot more sen...

Gabe Pérez 20 Apr, 2016