
It Probably Has A Horsepower Of Nine

The "Black Lotus" is an incredibly rare card from Magic The Gathering, that when used gives you three mana.

Gabe Pérez 30 May, 2017


"Your password is weak"??!? Who's weak now??!?

Gabe Pérez 26 Apr, 2017

GIF: Nintendon't Give In

We really want a Nintendo Switch… LOL! (vía: LOLNEIN )

Gabe Pérez 03 Apr, 2017

Brace Yourselves: Game Of Thrones Character Arc Generator

Just choose one from each column. Naked guy with a beard dies fighting dragons. (vía: Wrong Hands )

Gabe Pérez 03 Apr, 2017

GIF: Sony PlayStation 4 Vs Nintendo Switch (LOL)

You other consoles think you're so great, huh? But can you do this? (vía: LOLNEIN )

Gabe Pérez 05 Mar, 2017

Comic: Wrong With Dog

Something's wrong with the dog. He's been jumping through Windows again and crashed it. Maybe I have to reload dog.exe. (vía: P...

Gabe Pérez 04 Mar, 2017

GIF: Smartphone Vs Nokia

You smartphones think you're so great, huh? But can you do this?

Gabe Pérez 04 Mar, 2017

Comic: More Fun With Portmanteaus

port·man·teau (/,pôrtˈmantō/) ( noun ), is a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example bornado (a wh...

Gabe Pérez 04 Mar, 2017

Comic: Movie Spoilers (Home Edition)

Spoiling movies where principal character is: Home. (vía: Wrong Hands )

Gabe Pérez 08 Feb, 2017

Comic: Support

This device will follow you and offer words of support... maybe a new definition of cyberbulling. (vía: Poorly Drawn Lines )

Gabe Pérez 08 Feb, 2017