It Probably Has A Horsepower Of Nine
The "Black Lotus" is an incredibly rare card from Magic The Gathering, that when used gives you three mana.
The "Black Lotus" is an incredibly rare card from Magic The Gathering, that when used gives you three mana.
We really want a Nintendo Switch… LOL! (vía: LOLNEIN )
Just choose one from each column. Naked guy with a beard dies fighting dragons. (vía: Wrong Hands )
You other consoles think you're so great, huh? But can you do this? (vía: LOLNEIN )
Something's wrong with the dog. He's been jumping through Windows again and crashed it. Maybe I have to reload dog.exe. (vía: P...
You smartphones think you're so great, huh? But can you do this?
port·man·teau (/,pôrtˈmantō/) ( noun ), is a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example bornado (a wh...
Spoiling movies where principal character is: Home. (vía: Wrong Hands )
This device will follow you and offer words of support... maybe a new definition of cyberbulling. (vía: Poorly Drawn Lines )
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