

"Your password is weak"??!? Who's weak now??!?

Gabe Pérez 26 Apr, 2017

Brace Yourselves: Game Of Thrones Character Arc Generator

Just choose one from each column. Naked guy with a beard dies fighting dragons. (vía: Wrong Hands )

Gabe Pérez 03 Apr, 2017

GIF: Sony PlayStation 4 Vs Nintendo Switch (LOL)

You other consoles think you're so great, huh? But can you do this? (vía: LOLNEIN )

Gabe Pérez 05 Mar, 2017

Comic: Wrong With Dog

Something's wrong with the dog. He's been jumping through Windows again and crashed it. Maybe I have to reload dog.exe. (vía: P...

Gabe Pérez 04 Mar, 2017

GIF: Smartphone Vs Nokia

You smartphones think you're so great, huh? But can you do this?

Gabe Pérez 04 Mar, 2017

Comic: More Fun With Portmanteaus

port·man·teau (/,pôrtˈmantō/) ( noun ), is a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example bornado (a wh...

Gabe Pérez 04 Mar, 2017

Comic: Movie Spoilers (Home Edition)

Spoiling movies where principal character is: Home. (vía: Wrong Hands )

Gabe Pérez 08 Feb, 2017

Comic: Support

This device will follow you and offer words of support... maybe a new definition of cyberbulling. (vía: Poorly Drawn Lines )

Gabe Pérez 08 Feb, 2017

Comic: The Dream

I dream of a bird with one leg who tried to sell me a credit card...

Gabe Pérez 21 Jan, 2017

Comic: Associative Memory Function

Maybe you need to Google that cartoon to understand it. (vía: Wrong Hands )

Gabe Pérez 21 Jan, 2017