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Windows 8 On Floppy Disks: The Hipster Edition

Disk 869: Read error. Abort, Retry, Ignore? (vía: Reddit )

Gabe Pérez 10 Sep, 2013

If TV Networks Acted Like Mobile Game Companies

Get new episode only $9.99! (or maybe with x referral link). LOL (vía: Dorkly )

Gabe Pérez 06 Sep, 2013

Sayings 2.1: More Sayings That Work With This Decade

Sayings 2.1: More sayings that work with this decade. Let Nigerian Princess lie. Here Sayings 2.0 . (vía: DOGHOUSE )

Gabe Pérez 04 Sep, 2013

Drama Geek: PlayStation Plus vs. Xbox Live

Why do you feel the need to compare two pretty identical services? Just enjoy playing on your console of choice. Each one always has cert...

Gabe Pérez 01 Sep, 2013

Infographic: A Look At The Next Generation Of Internet Users

The next billion Internet users: what will they look like? Since 2006, the number of Internet users has more than doubled and household I...

Gabe Pérez 29 Aug, 2013

The Ben Affleck Conundrum

The dude from Daredevil?! The new Batman?! Why him? Why not anyone else?! (vía: Dorkly )

Gabe Pérez 26 Aug, 2013

When Carly Rae Jepsen Meets Marty McFly

I just met you, and this is crazy... but I'm from the future, and I'm your baby. (vía: Bits & Pieces )

Gabe Pérez 25 Aug, 2013

Rest In Peace The 90's

RIP the 90's (1990-1999). Never forget that wonderful years! Videogames, music, everything! (vía: Reddit )

Gabe Pérez 25 Aug, 2013

WTF: Mega-Meat

Meanwhile at an Asian market in Seattle, Washington, the Doctor Light of butchers has been crafting up "Mega" ground beef. (...

Gabe Pérez 21 Aug, 2013

Infographic: The 9 Types Of Facebook User

Your Facebook profile is supposed to reflect your personality -but your Facebook habits can say a lot more about you than you realize. W...

Gabe Pérez 17 Aug, 2013